
Whats the big idea anyway


Today I thought I would actually share some of the things I want the machine to do… (bear in mind I also want to make this as inexpensive as possible) so some things might have to wait….dammit!. 

I have been looking into 3D printing and all the new technology around that and I think that definitely may be an option once I get this to a build stage to keep my costs down.

So some of the things I want it to do for both flying and driving is the following

1. Be able to use existing Controllers/wheels etc

2. Have  a 30-40 degree pitch and roll

3. Have a real Yaw “sideways shove feeling” not just a rotation on the spot

4. Feel every bump and acceleration and deceleration. this one may be built in the seat I think

5. Take up a very small foot print in the house and potential fold away when not in use.

Let me know what you guys have as ideas to see in the final build… I have a short 2 min survey to help us with that and of course you can always list what you want in the forums.

Cheers and back to work


Losing Sleep from Inspiration


Ok guys,

so I have been mentally trying to picture what I want this machine to do, and with my semi final concept design (see here) I thought I would give sketch up a go, just so I can visualise the axis etc and see if my ideas would work in the real world.

I thought i had it and then half asleep the other night I realised the yaw was not going to work in the rotation axis so back to the drawing board. I am always running my mind through the machine on how it should work so hopefully it will come together soon. I want this sucker to pitch and roll at least 30-45 degrees!!

Stay Tuned


The Art of Motion Design – Harder than I thought

Motion-Simulator-Drawing-Full-400pxHey Guys,

So here we are at the start of this mission to create the a really good motion simulator for flying and driving. After I searched the internet looking for motion simulators to buy I was pretty disappointed with whats out there. There are the basic ones like the joyrider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mObUQ66PIQM and then there are really big powerfull ones that take up a whole room, with a price point to match, some are like $25,000!!!… sp maybe Im just a bit to early in the market place, to have what I would like and that is a motion simulator that is plug and play, works with flying and driving games, takes up no more room than a office chair when stored and costs less than $2k. So I thought I would try and make my own.

For Inspiration I found this one http://6dof.my.primusnetz.de of Gago Meisler which is pretty cool. This then lead me to http://www.xsimulator.net which has a great bunch of people making their own projects.

Now I am pretty good at designing things in my head, a lot of thought experiments going on with what I want, but I’m not so good at designing it for the real world.

Here are some early sketches of my designs. Some written on ripped boxes from my night fill job … ha ha inspiration comes at all times apparently..

I know I have far to go and I want it to do lots of things and I now realizse I might need the help of a professional here as I know nothing about building stable mechanical machines or writing software or building electronic circuits… so ill be spending some time with the kind folks over at http://www.xsimulator.net.

See you all soon with more updates
